var awesomeStoreLocator = (function() { var jQueryASL; var locatorUuid = ''; var scriptTag; var forceRefresh; var spfy = false; var spfyWidgetCss; var spfyCustomJs; var spfyCustomCss; var locations = []; var styles = false; var tabsActive = true; // !!! must be synchronized with Locator.php ($allMessages) var messages = { mapLoadingMessage: 'Awesome\u0020Store\u0020Locator\u0020is\u0020loading...', mapErrorMessage: 'Map\u0020could\u0020not\u0020be\u0020loaded.', mapNotActiveMessage: 'Map is not active.
Please contact', autodetectMyLocationMessage: 'Autodetect\u0020my\u0020location', hideRouteAndDirectionsMessage: 'Hide\u0020route\u0020\u0026\u0020directions', showRouteAndDirectionsMessage: 'Show\u0020route\u0020\u0026\u0020directions', showOnMap: 'Show\u0020on\u0020map', kmMessage: 'km', miMessage: 'mi', startLocationMessage: 'or\u0020manually\u0020enter\u0020your\u0020location\u003A', poweredBy: 'Powered by', tabLocations: 'Locations', tabMap: 'Map', backToList: 'Back to list', directionsUnavailable: 'Directions are not available.', enterYourLocation: 'Enter your location', // openingHours: 'Opening\u0020hours', openingHoursMonday: 'Mon', openingHoursTuesday: 'Tue', openingHoursWednesday: 'Wed', openingHoursThursday: 'Thu', openingHoursFriday: 'Fri', openingHoursSaturday: 'Sat', openingHoursSunday: 'Sun', }; var cdnAssetsBase = 'https\u003A\/\/\/'; // var map; var onlyShowOnMap = false; var defaultCss = true; var unitsSelectedClass = 'aslUnitsSelected'; // var DISTANCE_UNIT_KILOMETERS = 1; var DISTANCE_UNIT_MILES = 2; var unit = '1';// DISTANCE_UNIT_KILOMETERS; var oneKmInMiles = 0.621371; var renderArray = []; var markers = []; var directionsService, distances, container, routeDirections, autodetect, autodetectSpinner, geocoder, bounds, markerKeys, startLocation, startLocationAddress, startLocationMarker; var distance = 0; var radius = 300; // kilometers var distancesHtml = ''; var distancesArray = []; var bottomWidget;// = '' + messages.showRouteAndDirectionsMessage + ''; var distanceUnitTranslation;// = ['', messages.kmMessage, messages.miMessage]; var readyStateChange = "onreadystatechange"; var that = this; function loadScript(scriptSrc, callback) { var c = document.createElement("script"); c.type = "text/javascript", c.async = !0, c.src = scriptSrc; var d = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; d.parentNode.insertBefore(c, d), c.addEventListener ? c.addEventListener("load", callback, !1) : c.attachEvent(readyStateChange, readyHandler = function() { /complete|loaded/.test(c.readyState) && (callback(), c.detachEvent(readyStateChange, readyHandler)) }) } function loadCss(cssSrc, callback) { var c = document.createElement("link"); c.type = "text/css", c.rel = 'stylesheet', = 'all', c.async = !0, c.href = cssSrc; var d = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; d.parentNode.insertBefore(c, d), c.addEventListener ? c.addEventListener("load", callback, !1) : c.attachEvent(readyStateChange, readyHandler = function() { /complete|loaded/.test(c.readyState) && (callback(), c.detachEvent(readyStateChange, readyHandler)) }) } function getLocatorUuid() { for(var a, b = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), c = 0; c < b.length; c++) { if(a = b[c].getAttribute("data-awesome-store-locator-uuid")) { scriptTag = b[c]; return a; } } } function getForceRefresh() { return (scriptTag && scriptTag.getAttribute('data-awesome-store-locator-force-refresh') !== null); } /* * success: init --> load jquery --> load locations --> load gmaps --> load css --> init map --> documentReady * failure: init --> load jquery --> load locations --> show error * */ function init() { // get locator uuid var locatorUuidFromTag = getLocatorUuid(); if(locatorUuid == '') { locatorUuid = locatorUuidFromTag; } forceRefresh = getForceRefresh(); initSpfy(); // load jQuery loadScript('//', function() { jQueryASL = jQuery.noConflict(true); loadLocations(); }); } function initSpfy() { if(scriptTag && scriptTag.getAttribute('data-awesome-store-locator-spfy') !== null) { spfy = true; spfyCustomJs = scriptTag.getAttribute('data-awesome-store-locator-spfy-custom-js'); spfyCustomCss = scriptTag.getAttribute('data-awesome-store-locator-spfy-custom-css'); spfyWidgetCss = scriptTag.getAttribute('data-awesome-store-locator-spfy-widget-css'); } } function processCss() { // load font awesome loadCss(''); // load css var cssSrc; if(spfy) { cssSrc = defaultCss ? spfyWidgetCss : spfyCustomCss; } else { cssSrc = defaultCss ? cdnAssetsBase + 'widget.css' : cdnAssetsBase + 'css/' + getDir(locatorUuid) + '/' + locatorUuid + '.css'; } loadCss(cssSrc, function() { // init global vars initGlobalVars(); // remove loading msg container.siblings('.aslContainerMapLoading').remove(); // show container; // init map initMap(); }); } // !!! must be synchronized with AppService::getDir() function getDir(uuid) { if(typeof uuid != 'string' || uuid.length < 2) { return uuid; } return [uuid[0], uuid[1]].join('/'); } var loadLocations = function() { var breakCacheRandom = forceRefresh ? '?' + : ''; var locationsSrc; if(spfy) { locationsSrc = spfyCustomJs; } else { locationsSrc = cdnAssetsBase + 'js/' + getDir(locatorUuid) + '/' + locatorUuid + '.js' + breakCacheRandom; } jQueryASL.ajax ( { url: locationsSrc, dataType: 'json' } ).done(function(data) { if(data.hasOwnProperty('active') && !! { // is active locations = data.hasOwnProperty('locations') ? data.locations : []; if(data.hasOwnProperty('messages')) { var overrideMessages = data.messages; for(key in overrideMessages) { messages[key] = overrideMessages[key]; } } // default css - default true defaultCss = data.hasOwnProperty('defaultCss') ? !!data.defaultCss : true; // powered by default true var poweredBy = data.hasOwnProperty('poweredBy') ? !!data.poweredBy : true; // styles - default false styles = (data.hasOwnProperty('styles') && data.styles != false) ? data.styles : false; bottomWidget = '' + messages.showRouteAndDirectionsMessage + '' + messages.showOnMap + ''; distanceUnitTranslation = ['', messages.kmMessage, messages.miMessage]; var html = '

' + messages.mapLoadingMessage + '

'; jQueryASL('.awesomeStoreLocator[data-awesome-store-locator-uuid=' + locatorUuid + ']').html(html); // load google maps "object" == typeof && "object" == typeof && "object" == typeof ? processCss() : loadScript(window.location.protocol + "//", function() { google.load("maps", "3", { other_params: "libraries=places,geometry\u0026key\u003DAIzaSyC4k3YeldPhQlYoIWdPd1kONCBt8m85jxc", callback: processCss }); }); } else { // is not active showNotActive(); } }).fail(function(data, a, b) { console.log(data, a, b); showError(); }); }; function showError() { jQueryASL('.awesomeStoreLocator[data-awesome-store-locator-uuid=' + locatorUuid + ']').html('

' + messages.mapErrorMessage + '

').show(); } function showNotActive() { jQueryASL('.awesomeStoreLocator[data-awesome-store-locator-uuid=' + locatorUuid + ']').html('

' + messages.mapNotActiveMessage + '

'); } function initGlobalVars() { directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService(); container = jQueryASL('.awesomeStoreLocator[data-awesome-store-locator-uuid=' + locatorUuid + ']').find('.aslContainer'); distances = container.find('.aslDistances'); routeDirections = container.find('.aslRouteDirections'); autodetect = container.find('.aslLocationAutodetect'); autodetectSpinner = container.find('.aslLocationAutodetectSpinner'); geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); } var frequencyReduce = function(delay, callback) { var timer; return function() { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(callback, delay); }; }; var mapResize = function() { map.fitBounds(bounds); var center = map.getCenter(); google.maps.event.trigger(map, "resize"); map.setCenter(center); }; function notEmpty(array, key) { return array.hasOwnProperty(key) && array[key]; } function getInfoWindowContent(data) { var content = '
'; content += notEmpty(data, 'title') ? '

' + data.title + '

' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'address') ? ' ' + data.address + '' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'phone') ? ' ' + + '' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'email') ? ' ' + + '' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'website') ? ' ' + + '' : ''; if(data.hasOwnProperty('showOpeningHours') && data.showOpeningHours) { content += '
' + messages.openingHours + '
'; content += notEmpty(data, 'openingHoursMonday') ? '' + messages.openingHoursMonday + ': ' + data.openingHoursMonday + '' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'openingHoursTuesday') ? '' + messages.openingHoursTuesday + ': ' + data.openingHoursTuesday + '' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'openingHoursWednesday') ? '' + messages.openingHoursWednesday + ': ' + data.openingHoursWednesday + '' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'openingHoursThursday') ? '' + messages.openingHoursThursday + ': ' + data.openingHoursThursday + '' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'openingHoursFriday') ? '' + messages.openingHoursFriday + ': ' + data.openingHoursFriday + '' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'openingHoursSaturday') ? '' + messages.openingHoursSaturday + ': ' + data.openingHoursSaturday + '' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'openingHoursSunday') ? '' + messages.openingHoursSunday + ': ' + data.openingHoursSunday + '' : ''; } content += notEmpty(data, 'customField1') ? '' + data.customField1 + '' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'customField2') ? '' + data.customField2 + '' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'customField3') ? '' + data.customField3 + '' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'customField4') ? '' + data.customField4 + '' : ''; content += notEmpty(data, 'customField5') ? '' + data.customField5 + '' : ''; content += '
'; return content; } function initMap() { // init map map = new google.maps.Map(container.find('.aslMap')[0], { "mapTypeId": google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, "minZoom": 3 }); if(styles !== false) { map.setOptions({styles: styles}); } // resize after 500ms google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, "resize", frequencyReduce(500, function() { mapResize(); }), false); //create empty LatLngBounds object bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(); for(var i in locations) { var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i].latitude, locations[i].longitude, true), map: map, data: locations[i].data, latitude: locations[i].latitude, longitude: locations[i].longitude }); //extend the bounds to include each marker's position bounds.extend(marker.position); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function(marker, i) { return function() { infowindow.setContent(getInfoWindowContent(locations[i].data));, marker); } })(marker, i)); markers.push(marker); } // now fit the map to the newly inclusive bounds map.fitBounds(bounds); markerKeys = Object.keys(markers); documentReady(); } var autodetectSpinnerHide = function() { autodetectSpinner.hide(); autodetect.removeAttr('disabled'); }; var autodetectSpinnerShow = function() {; }; var degreesToRad = function(x) { return x * Math.PI / 180; }; var formatDistance = function(x) { return x.toFixed(1); }; var getDistance = function(p1, p2) { var R = 6378137; // Earth’s mean radius in meter var dLat = degreesToRad( -; var dLong = degreesToRad(p2.lng() - p1.lng()); var a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) + Math.cos(degreesToRad( * Math.cos(degreesToRad( * Math.sin(dLong / 2) * Math.sin(dLong / 2); var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)); var d = R * c; if(unit == DISTANCE_UNIT_KILOMETERS) { return formatDistance(d / 1000); // returns the distance in kilometers } else { return formatDistance((d / 1000) * oneKmInMiles); // returns the distance in miles } }; var computeTotalDistanceKilometers = function(result) { var total = 0; var myroute = result.routes[0]; for(var i = 0; i < myroute.legs.length; i++) { // Note that regardless of what unit system you use, the distance.value field always contains a value expressed in meters. total += myroute.legs[i].distance.value; } return total / 1000; }; var showRoute = function(routeId) { for(var i in renderArray) { if(i == routeId) { renderArray[i].setMap(map); map.fitBounds(renderArray[i].getDirections().routes[0].bounds); } else { renderArray[i].setMap(null); } } }; var showDirections = function(routeId, locationContainer, show) { //if(routeId >= 0 && routeId < renderArray.length) //{ if(show) { updateDistanceGoogle(routeId, true); } else { routeDirections.slideUp(); } //} }; var toggleAltText = function(element) { var tempText = element.text(); element.text(element.attr('data-alt')); element.attr('data-alt', tempText); }; var recalculateDistances = function(targetDistanceUnit) { var conversionFactor = targetDistanceUnit == DISTANCE_UNIT_MILES ? oneKmInMiles : (1 / oneKmInMiles); container.find('.aslLocationDistanceNumber').each(function(i, item) { item = jQueryASL(item); item.attr('data-distance', (formatDistance(item.attr('data-distance') * conversionFactor))); item.text(item.attr('data-distance')); }); container.find('.aslLocationDistanceUnit').text(distanceUnitTranslation[targetDistanceUnit]); }; var updateDistancesManual = function() { // reset scroll distances.animate({scrollTop: 0}, 500); for(var i = 0; i < markerKeys.length; i++) { distancesArray[i] = getDistance(startLocation, markers[markerKeys[i]].getPosition()); } showDistances(); }; var updateDistanceGoogle = function(i, showRouteAndDirections) { onlyShowOnMap = !showRouteAndDirections; if(i >= 0 && i < markerKeys.length) { var request = { origin: startLocation, destination: markers[markerKeys[i]].getPosition(), travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING, unitSystem: unit == DISTANCE_UNIT_KILOMETERS ? google.maps.UnitSystem.METRIC : google.maps.UnitSystem.IMPERIAL }; directionsService.route(request, directionResults); } }; function geocodeLatLng(lat, lng) { var latlng = {lat: lat, lng: lng}; geocoder.geocode({'location': latlng}, function(results, status) { if(status === google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { startLocationAddress = results[0].formatted_address; container.find('.aslStartLocationAddress').val(startLocationAddress); } }); } // Used as callback for the above request for current 'i' function directionResults(result, status) { google.maps.event.trigger(markers[routeId], 'click'); if(status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { routeDirections.empty(); distanceKm = computeTotalDistanceKilometers(result); distance = unit == DISTANCE_UNIT_KILOMETERS ? distanceKm : distanceKm * oneKmInMiles; distancesArray[routeId] = formatDistance(distance); if(typeof renderArray[routeId] == 'object') { renderArray[routeId].setMap(null); } // Create a unique DirectionsRenderer 'i' renderArray[routeId] = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer( { draggable: true, map: map, panel: onlyShowOnMap ? null : container.find('.aslRouteDirections')[0] //preserveViewport: true } ); // Use this new renderer with the result renderArray[routeId].setDirections(result); if(!onlyShowOnMap) { showRouteDirections(routeId); } onlyShowOnMap = false; } else { if(typeof renderArray[routeId] == 'object') { renderArray[routeId].setMap(null); } routeDirections.empty(); routeDirections.html('' + messages.directionsUnavailable + ''); // scroll to route var locationContainer = container.find('.aslLocationContainer[data-i=' + routeId + ']'); distances.animate({scrollTop: locationContainer.offset().top + distances.scrollTop() - distances.offset().top}, 500); routeDirections.appendTo(locationContainer).hide().slideDown(); } } function showDistances() { distancesHtml = []; bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); // try with radius getDistances(true); if(bounds.isEmpty()) { // ignore radius and show all results getDistances(false); } if(typeof startLocation != 'undefined') { bounds.extend(startLocation); startLocationMarker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, position: startLocation }); } distancesHtml.sort(function(a, b) { return a.distance - b.distance; }); distancesHtml = { return elem.html; }).join(""); container.find('.aslStartLocationAddress').html(startLocationAddress); distances.html(distancesHtml); if(container.find('.aslRouteDirections').length < 1) { distances.after('
'); routeDirections = container.find('.aslRouteDirections'); } map.fitBounds(bounds); autodetectSpinnerHide(); } var getDistances = function(limitByRadius) { for(i = 0; i < distancesArray.length; i++) { distance = distancesArray[i]; if(!limitByRadius || distance < radius) { bounds.extend(markers[markerKeys[i]].getPosition()); markers[markerKeys[i]].setMap(map); var locationTitle = notEmpty(markers[markerKeys[i]].data, 'title') ? markers[markerKeys[i]].data.title : (notEmpty(markers[markerKeys[i]].data, 'address') ? markers[markerKeys[i]].data.address : ''); distancesHtml.push({ html: '

' + locationTitle + '

Distance: ' + distance + ' ' + distanceUnitTranslation[unit] + '' + bottomWidget + '
', distance: distance }); } else { markers[markerKeys[i]].setMap(null); } } }; var showRouteDirections = function(routeId) { if(typeof routeId !== 'undefined') { var locationContainer = container.find('.aslLocationContainer[data-i=' + routeId + ']'); locationContainer.find('.aslLocationDistanceNumber').attr('data-distance', distancesArray[routeId]).text(distancesArray[routeId]); // scroll to route distances.animate({scrollTop: locationContainer.offset().top + distances.scrollTop() - distances.offset().top}, 500); routeDirections.appendTo(locationContainer).hide().slideDown(); } }; // This example adds a search box to a map, using the Google Place Autocomplete // feature. People can enter geographical searches. The search box will return a // pick list containing a mix of places and predicted search terms. var documentReady = function() { jQueryASL(document).ready(function() { if(container.find('.aslTabs').is(':visible')) { // hide map container tabsActive = true; container.find('.aslMapContainer').hide(); } // Create the search box and link it to the UI element. var input = container.find('.aslStartLocationAddress')[0]; var mapControls = container.find('.mapControls')[0]; //map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT].push(input); var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input); autocomplete.bindTo('bounds', map); // Listen for the event fired when the user selects a prediction and retrieve // more details for that place. autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', function() { autodetectSpinnerShow(); // hide directions routeDirections.html(''); // hide old start location if(typeof startLocationMarker != 'undefined') { startLocationMarker.setMap(null); } if(typeof autocomplete.getPlace().geometry != 'undefined') { startLocationAddress = autocomplete.getPlace().adr_address; startLocation = autocomplete.getPlace().geometry.location; // hide all old routes showRoute(-1); updateDistancesManual(); } else { autodetectSpinnerHide() } }); distances.on('click', '.aslLocationShowRouteAndDirections', function() { var locationContainer = jQueryASL(this).closest('.aslLocationContainer'); routeId = locationContainer.attr('data-i'); jQueryASL(this).toggleClass('showOrHide'); toggleAltText(jQueryASL(this)); var show = jQueryASL(this).hasClass('showOrHide'); if(show) { // remove other showOrHide classes container.find('.showOrHide').not(this).each(function(item) { toggleAltText(jQueryASL(this)); jQueryASL(this).removeClass('showOrHide'); }); } showDirections(routeId, locationContainer, show); showRoute(routeId); }); container.on('click', '.aslLocationAutodetect', function(event) { autodetectSpinnerShow(); event.preventDefault(); if(navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition ( function(position) { var pos = { lat: position.coords.latitude, lng: position.coords.longitude }; map.setCenter(pos); startLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);//map.getCenter(); geocodeLatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude); // hide all old routes showRoute(-1); updateDistancesManual(); }, function(error) { //handleLocationError(true, infoWindow, map.getCenter()); // try ip jQueryASL.ajax ( { url: '', dataType: 'json' } ).done(function(data) { if(typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.hasOwnProperty('longitude') && data.hasOwnProperty('latitude')) { var pos = { lat: data.latitude, lng: data.longitude }; map.setCenter(pos); startLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(data.latitude, data.longitude);//map.getCenter(); geocodeLatLng(data.latitude, data.longitude); // hide all old routes showRoute(-1); updateDistancesManual(); } autodetectSpinnerHide(); }); }, { enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 5000 } ); } else { // Browser doesn't support Geolocation //handleLocationError(false, infoWindow, map.getCenter()); autodetectSpinnerHide(); } }); container.on('click', '.aslShowOnMap', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if(tabsActive) { //jQueryASL(this).siblings('.aslLocationShowRouteAndDirections').trigger('click'); var locationContainer = jQueryASL(this).closest('.aslLocationContainer'); var show = jQueryASL(this).siblings('.aslLocationShowRouteAndDirections').hasClass('showOrHide'); routeId = locationContainer.attr('data-i'); updateDistanceGoogle(routeId, show); showRoute(routeId); // remove other showOrHide classes container.find('.showOrHide').not(jQueryASL(this).siblings('.aslLocationShowRouteAndDirections')).each(function(item) { toggleAltText(jQueryASL(this)); jQueryASL(this).removeClass('showOrHide'); }); container.find('.aslTabMap').trigger('click'); } }); container.on('click', '.aslUnitsKm', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if(unit == DISTANCE_UNIT_MILES) { unit = DISTANCE_UNIT_KILOMETERS; container.find('.aslUnitsMi').removeClass(unitsSelectedClass); jQueryASL(this).addClass(unitsSelectedClass); recalculateDistances(DISTANCE_UNIT_KILOMETERS); } }); container.on('click', '.aslUnitsMi', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if(unit == DISTANCE_UNIT_KILOMETERS) { unit = DISTANCE_UNIT_MILES; container.find('.aslUnitsKm').removeClass(unitsSelectedClass); jQueryASL(this).addClass(unitsSelectedClass); recalculateDistances(DISTANCE_UNIT_MILES); } }); container.on('click', '.aslTabLocations', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if(!jQueryASL(this).hasClass('active')) { jQueryASL(this).siblings('li').removeClass('active'); jQueryASL(this).addClass('active'); container.find('.aslMapContainer').hide(); container.find('.aslSidebar').show();//slideDown(); } }); container.on('click', '.aslTabMap', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if(!jQueryASL(this).hasClass('active')) { jQueryASL(this).siblings('li').removeClass('active'); jQueryASL(this).addClass('active'); container.find('.aslSidebar').hide(); container.find('.aslMapContainer').show();//.slideDown(); // trigger map resize mapResize(); } }); container.on('click', '.aslBackToList', function(event) { container.find('.aslTabLocations').trigger('click'); }); container.on('click', 'table.adp-directions', function(event) { container.find('.aslTabMap:visible').trigger('click'); }); container.find('.aslLocationAutodetect').trigger('click'); // end of d.ready }); jQueryASL(window).resize(function() { if(!container.find('.aslTabs').is(':visible')) { // width >= 400 container.find('.aslSidebar').show(); container.find('.aslMapContainer').show(); tabsActive = false; } else { // width < 400 if(container.find('.aslSidebar').is(':visible') && container.find('.aslMapContainer').is(':visible')) { container.find('.aslTabLocations').removeClass('active').trigger('click'); } tabsActive = true; } }); }; init(); })();